體驗 PURE 獨家優惠
Bollywood Dance 1
Bollywood dance is a vibrant, dynamic and highly theatrical dance style that originated in the Indian film industry. It incorporates a range of dance styles, including classical Indian dance, folk dance, belly dance, hip hop, and other varieties of modern dance. Bollywood dance is a fun and engaging way to experience Indian culture and music. Bollywood Dance 1 uses the foundation dance skills developed in Bollywood Basics, students will continue to perfect their dance techniques with more emphasis on body and facial expressions through the unique and fun choreography set to popular Bollywood songs. This class is suitable for all levels. Students without previous dance training or experience are very welcome. Students with previous dance training or experience will also enhance their dance skills.
Bollywood源自印度電影,是一種充滿活力、動感且富濃厚戲劇性的舞蹈。它糅合多種舞蹈風格,包括古典印度舞、民族舞、肚皮舞、hip hop及各種現代舞。課堂中,學生將學習Bollywood舞蹈技巧,更學習使用複雜的手勢,在著名的Bollywood歌曲下,一同投入印度節奏歌曲編排的充滿活力的動作。這絕對是一個充滿趣味的基礎課堂,讓學員有效體驗印度文化和音樂。 此課堂適合所有學員,不論舞蹈經驗,並為所有其他Bollywood舞蹈課程打下穩固基礎。