體驗 PURE 獨家優惠
Yoga Balance 1
這類特色課程強調身體的平衡與協調性。大多數人的身體多少都有些失衡,而失衡會導致壓力與疲勞。這類課程會幫助學生發現不協調,讓身體更強壯、更柔軟,也更平衡。透過平衡的動作練習,同學可以提升專注力、核心力量,以及穩定性。這類課程可能包含一些呼吸練習、梵唱,以及冥想。 適合稍有瑜伽練習經驗的同學,課程將帶給練習者振奮、愉悅的體驗。這堂課程不會包含完整的倒立練習,但是會教導進入倒立以及程度2動作的準備方式,並為往後的練習打好基礎,使同學穩定成長,日後順利進階到程度2的課程。
Yoga Balance 2
This specialised practice focuses on creating symmetry throughout the body. Most humans experience some type of physical imbalance, which can create stress and strain in the body. This class helps students to identify such imbalances and create symmetry by balancing the strength and flexibility in their bodies. Concentration, core strength and stability are enhanced by doing balancing postures. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. Suitable for intermediate yoga practitioners with a consistent practice. This class builds on the necessary body stability acquired in Level 1 classes to take on more challenging asanas and sequences. Classes are taught with modifications for Level 1 students. Full inversions may be included in these classes.