體驗 PURE 獨家優惠
Budokon Yoga Basics
This is an introductory class to the Budokon Yoga method as codified and popularised by Cameron Shayne. Budokon Yoga consists of slow and controlled movements designed to improve mobility, agility, flexibility and strength. The techniques are learned through repetition and precision with emphasis on the transitions from posture to posture, rather than the holding of postures. The purpose of this class is to gain muscular strength, cardiovascular stamina and joint mobility and to familiarise the student with the Budokon Primary Series. Suitable for students with some yoga experience looking to have an invigorating and dynamic experience.
本課程為已熟習武道魂瑜伽入門的學員而設,當中分為7個節奏和緩的部分,分別涉及拉伸、力量及平衡等範疇。課程會有手倒立及其他倒立練習,並焦於動作重覆及過渡多於靜止動作,從而提升肌肉力量、心血管健康及關節靈活度。課程當中更包括呼吸練習、梵唱及冥想。 適合進階,以及有穩定練習武道魂瑜伽的學員。課堂將持續建立身體的穩定度,並加入更多富挑戰性的體位法和動作編排。老師會適度給予替代動作,好讓剛剛加入程度2課堂的同學順利接軌。課堂可能包含完整的倒立練習。
Budokon Yoga Mobility
This class is dedicated to improving your mobility. Students will learn to improve the quality of their movements and transition with power, from and to, any primary position. The goal is to execute a chain of complex transitions adapted to the space of a yoga mat. Control and fluidity of your movements are key in that class. This practice will benefit join mobility, body awareness. and general strength. Suitable for any yoga practitioners with good physical condition. Good coordination and strong core are recommended.