體驗 PURE 獨家優惠
Universal Yoga 1
This class follows the tradition developed by Andrey Lappa, which weaves modern western science and ancient eastern wisdom together, and seeks to influence the practitioners’ life on and off the mat. Universal Yoga combines the practice of vinyasa with pranayama, visualisation, mantra, mudra and meditation. These elements are carefully sequenced in a symmetrical and progressive manner, making students feel a strong sense of balance and serenity at the end of each class. The arrangement of the mats in this class may or may not be cross-shaped. Suitable for students with some yoga experience looking to have an invigorating and dynamic experience. No full inversions are included in these classes. Some preparations for inversions and Level 2 postures may be introduced, with options for Level 1 students to ease the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 classes.
Universal Yoga 2
這堂課程遵循Andrey Lappa所發展出來的練習傳統,結合西方的當代科學以及東方的古典智慧,讓同學在瑜伽墊內的練習和瑜伽墊外的生活中都能夠穩定成長。Universal Yoga結合了流暢的體位法練習、呼吸法、觀想、梵咒、手印以及冥想,精妙而對稱的動作編排循序漸進,且包含以上眾多元素,讓同學在練習過後獲得身心的平衡與寧靜。課程中可能以十字交叉的方式擺放瑜伽墊。 適合中階、並持續練習Universal Yoga的練習者。這堂課程會持續培養同學的穩定性和柔軟度,並加入更多具有挑戰的體位法和動作編排。老師會適度給予同學替代動作,好讓剛剛加入程度2課程的練習者順利接軌。課程可能包含完整的倒立練習。