體驗 PURE 獨家優惠
Upside Down
這堂特色課程以倒立練習為主。老師會教導同學強化、穩定身體的動作,循序漸進的建立內在力量,為倒立打好基礎。課程中會練習頭倒立、手倒立、前臂平衡、肩立式,以及這些倒立的各種變化。 課程可能包含一些呼吸練習、梵唱,以及冥想。 適合有持續練習經驗、勇於嘗試倒立的中階練習者。課程會針對各種倒立來訓練身體必要的穩定性與覺知,持續培養程度1和程度2課程所建立的力量,讓同學適應各種倒立與變化練習。
Upside Down - Handstands
This specialised class focuses on the practice of handstands. Strengthening and stabilising postures are practised as a way to prepare the body for these poses and build its internal support. The class emphasises different ways of getting into handstand and variations of this pose. Students can expect some partner work and the use of the wall for support, whenever needed. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. Suitable for intermediate yoga practitioners with a consistent practice who are comfortable kicking into a handstand at the wall. This class builds on the necessary body stability and awareness acquired in Level 1 & 2 classes to take on handstand poses and their variations.
這個特色瑜伽課著重建立穩固的倒立根基。課堂由特設的熱身動作開始,繼而進入核心及上肢強化練習。導師會詳細指導及示範一連串的倒立動作,讓學員能夠加以練習;導師更會就不同程度的學員調整相關動作。 適合稍有瑜伽經驗,並希望於倒立動作上有所進步的學員。不建議初學者參加。