體驗 PURE 獨家優惠
這堂特色課程會利用瑜伽牆、壁繩、軟墊腰帶、橫把以及其他輔具,增加牽引力與身體的延展,讓練習者深層的停留在不同的瑜伽動作中。這套練習系統有助同學了解順位,同時安全的加深動作,有效伸展身體。課程可能包含一些呼吸練習、梵唱,以及冥想。 適合稍有練習經驗、有心了解壁上瑜伽的同學。課程中可能包含壁繩輔助的倒立練習以及一些程度2的體位法,老師會適時教導替代動作,讓同學穩定成長,日後順利進階到程度2的課程。 請注意:同學務必在上課前五至十分鐘進入教室準備器材。
Wall Rope Yoga 2
這堂特色課程會利用瑜伽牆、壁繩、軟墊腰帶、橫把以及其他輔具,增加牽引力與身體的延展,讓練習者深層的停留在不同的瑜伽動作中。這套練習系統有助同學了解順位,同時安全的加深動作,有效伸展身體。課程可能包含一些呼吸練習、梵唱,以及冥想。 適合持續練習壁上瑜伽的中階練習者。這堂課會持續培養同學的穩定性和柔軟度,並加入更多具有挑戰的體位法和動作編排。老師會適度給予替代動作,好讓剛剛加入程度2課程的同學順利接軌。課程可能包含完整的倒立練習。 請注意:同學務必在上課前五至十分鐘進入教室準備器材。
Wall Rope Yoga Basics
This specialised class is practiced on a Yoga Wall system that uses ropes, pelvic swings, bars and other props to help enhance traction and extension of the body in different yoga poses. The system is designed to assist the understanding of alignment as well as deepening the opening of the body during practice. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. Suitable for students who want to increase their fundamental knowledge of the Wall Rope Yoga practice. The class is conducted in a slow manner with explanation on how to properly use the equipment. This class sets the foundation for all the other Wall Rope Yoga classes. Please note that it is necessary to arrive 5-10 minutes early before class to set up the equipment.