Warm Hatha 1
A non-vinyasa based asana practice in a warm room focused on connecting the body and mind. Some asanas are held for longer periods of time with the purpose of building endurance. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. The warm temperature adds to the physical effort required to do the postures and aids to condition the body. This class is suitable for students with physical endurance and some yoga experience. No full inversions are included in these classes. Some preparations for inversions and Level 2 postures may be introduced, with options for Level 1 students to ease the transition from Level 1 to Level 2 classes. Room temperature: 32-35 °C.
Warm Hatha 2
A non-vinyasa based asana practice in a warm room focused on connecting the body and mind. Some asanas are held for longer periods of time with the purpose of building endurance. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included. Suitable for intermediate yoga practitioners with a consistent practice in a warm room. This class builds on the necessary body stability acquired in Level 1 warm classes to take on more challenging asanas and sequences. Classes are taught with modifications to allow an easy transition from Level 1 to Level 2. Full inversions may be included in these classes except headstand (Sirsasana), shoulder-stand (Sarvangasana) and plow pose (Halasana). Room temperature: 32-35 °C.