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Bonnie started Pilates when she was diagnosed with scoliosis a few years ago. The exercise efficiently relieved her back pain and she realised the importance of core training. Since 2010, she has been a professional Pilates instructor and became a Personal Trainer soon after. Her training focuses on core, balance and coordination. With a versatile interest in sports, Bonnie also achieved professional qualifications in Muay Thai, Fitball and ViPR, adding to her diverse repertoire of training skills.
Specialized Prescription Program: Pre- & Post-Natal Fitness, AASFP
PTA Global certified Personal Trainer
Muay Thai Instructor (Foundation) Certification, AASFP
Exercise Ball Instructor Certification, AASFP
Pilates Instructor (Mat Work) Certification, AASFP
Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Certification, AASFP
Sport Climbing Training Levels 1 & 2 Certification – Hong Kong Mountaineering Union
Certified ViPR Instructor
Personal Trainer’s programme specialities

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