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Always stay hungry for progress and results.

At 20, Jason, a very thin guy, had a realization while gazing at himself in the mirror: he resembled an iron hanger. Motivated by this epiphany, he dedicated himself to transforming his physique, unaware of the profound impact it would have on his life. Through relentless effort and discipline, he achieved success. Now, his mission is to help his clients find pleasure in their workouts. By blending humor and effective teaching methods, he inspires and empowers others to work smarter.
Advance Personal Fitness Trainer Certification, AASFP
Elderly Fitness Instructor, AASFP
Pre & Post Natal Fitness Instructor, AASFP
Chronic Illness Fitness Instructor, AASFP
Certified VIPR trainer
Certified Kettlebell trainer
Certified TRX Suspension Trainer
Certified Stick Mobility Movement Specialist
Personal Trainer’s programme specialities

Achieve your fitness goals with a programme tailored just for you under expert guidance.

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