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Life is not about how hard of a hit you can give – it’s about how many you can take and keep moving forward.

Keith has always been passionate about fitness and sports like running, football, basketball, rugby and Muay Thai, etc. Choosing to be a personal trainer as a career, Keith can combine his knowledge and creativity to design training programmes and help clients to achieve their fitness goals. He enjoys healthy living and being a good role model for his clients to keep improving every day while he himself also keeps improving.
Certified Muay Thai Coach, Hong Kong Muay Thai Association
Post-Rehab Fitness Trainer (Upper Limb and Neck), AASFP
Stick Mobility Certified Trainer, Stick Mobility
Pre- and Post-Natal Exercise Instructor
IPTFA Certified Personal Trainer
Certified TRX Instructor
Certified BOSU Instructor
Certified VIPR Instructor
Personal Trainer’s programme specialities

Achieve your fitness goals with a programme tailored just for you under expert guidance.

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