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Former stunt performer, Ying Wai, began practising yoga in 2015 to increase flexibility and prevent injuries. As he discovered yoga's holistic benefits, he deepened his study under the guidance of Shirley Wong and Marcus Leung, also gaining inspiration from Dylan Werner's unique hand balancing techniques. Since completing his teacher training in 2016, Ying Wai has focused on providing a positive, enriching learning environment for his students, emphasising mindfulness, authentic self-acceptance, and the exploration of potential.


Yoga Lamba Teacher Training with Judy Ng & Samantha Chan (25 hours)


Counter Flow:Take care of Your Inner Self with Marcus Leung (100 hours)


Evolve Yourself Counter Flow: Yoga Alliance Accredited Teacher Training with Marcus Leung (200 hours)
Private Yoga
Private Yoga

Take your yoga practice to the next level with a one-on-one or small group class. Deepen your practice and achieve your goals at your own pace.

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