**收益的10%將用於支持慈善組織“Pause & Breathe“
有關 “Pause & Breathe” 的更多信息,請瀏覽:https://www.pausebreathe.org/
PURE Yoga 是一家經由Yoga Alliance正式認可的機構,我們的師資培訓課堂和導師在國際上均獲得認證。這使他們獲得獨家認可,並滿足了200小時Yoga Alliance認證的要求。
Yoga Alliance是美國和全球瑜伽教師和培訓課堂的國際治理委員會。我們課堂的畢業生自動有資格在Yoga Alliance註冊為RYT(註冊瑜伽老師)。成為RYT意味著擁有更高的知名度,並獲得作為瑜伽老師的國際認可,這是許多雇用工作室所看重的屬性。
基礎瑜伽知識 |
技巧、訓練與練習 |
調息/能量控制法與微細身 |
冥想 |
解剖學及生理學 |
瑜伽人文教育及哲學 |
導師必備專業技能 |
5月21-25 及 28-31日
6月1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29日
7月5, 6日
平日, 上午10:00-下午8:00
上午 10:00am-中午12:00pm | 晨練 |
中午 12:00pm-1:30pm | 體位法拆解 |
下午 1:30pm-2:30pm | 午餐 |
下午 2:30pm-6:00pm | 理論課 |
下午 6:00pm-8:00pm | 教學練習 |
上午 9:00am-11:00am | 晨練 |
上午 11:00am-下午1:00pm | 體位法拆解 |
下午 1:00pm-2:00pm | 午餐 |
下午 2:00pm-5:00pm | 理論課 |
下午 5:00pm-7:00pm | 教學練習 |
HK$36,800 (ends 15 April, 4月15日截止)
(請直接於PURE Yoga中心報名,不接受網上報名)
10節課 (20 小時)
5節課 (10 小時)
單日課堂 (2 小時)
Photos and videos may be taken, solely for PURE marketing purposes.
課程期間可能會拍攝照片與影片,僅供 PURE 營銷用途。
Event Language課程語言
Cantonese 粵語
Required Minimum Capacity最低人數要求
本課程需至少 20 名學生參加。
早鳥價:需於 2025 年 4 月 15 日或之前提交申請。
正價:2025 年 4 月 1 6日起可提交申請。
自 2025年 4 月 16日起,取消報名將不會獲得任何退款或學分。
有效退款將扣除 10% 的手續費後發放。
所有退款申請(因醫療與緊急情況)必須在活動結束後 3 天內提交。
Contact & Enquiries聯繫方式及查詢
For enquiries, please email若有查詢,請發送電子郵件至 events@pure-yoga.com
*If there is any discrepancy between the printed and web versions, the web version shall prevail.
In this Agreement:
When we say | We mean: |
Activity | Any activity undertaken by you during an Event including any yoga training activity |
Agreement | This agreement (including the PURE online application and personal data form) between you and Pure International (HK) Limited for the provision of activities by PURE. |
Cardholder | A person who has entered into a separate cardholder agreement with PURE and has been issued with a physical PURE Card or who holds a virtual PURE Card. |
Event | Agreed yoga training activities in the form of a workshop delivered to you by PURE teachers or guest teachers, either in person or through an online platform. |
Existing Condition | A physical, mental, fitness, health, illness or medical condition/disability/injury (including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, pregnancy, the taking of medication, skin condition, or existing injury) that you possess and that could be aggravated or increase your Risk of Injury by participating in the Event or any Activity. |
Equipment | Any equipment used during the Event. |
Fees | Any fees that you pay in respect of the Event |
Loss | Liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional or investigation costs and expenses). |
Physical Activity | Any physical exercise or other physical activity whole participating in a Event including warm-up, strength training, running, agility drills, aerobic exercise, jumping, cardiovascular activities and flexibility training. |
Protected Persons | Our directors, officers, Representatives, volunteers, sponsors, service providers and independent contractors. |
PURE | Pure International (HK) Limited and any other company in the PURE Group (including but not limited to Pure Yoga Online Limited) that provides you with services and/or products relating to this Agreement. |
PURE Card | The physical PURE Card or virtual PURE Card issued by PURE (if applicable). |
Related Agreements | Any agreements that you enter into with PURE. |
Representatives | Our employees and agents (including PURE Trainers but excluding other providers of services or products even if these are provided/supplied). |
Risk of Injury | The risk of any type of injury (including minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, muscle strains and torn ligaments and more serious injuries such as snapped ligaments, dislocated joints, broken bones, heart attack and concussion) disability (including permanent disability such as paralysis) and death. |
Rules | The rules, regulations, guidelines and etiquette for taking part in all types of training services provided by PURE (including the Event). |
Website | Our websites currently at www.pure-yoga.com and www.pure-fitness.com |
We, our and us | PURE |
You or you | You as a party to this Agreement and participant |
第一次參加瑜伽課後,Edward深切體會到瑜伽練習如何影響身心。練習後,他不僅恢復精力,更覺心靈安穩。從此,他展開瑜伽之路,並於2011年註冊為美國瑜伽聯盟(Yoga Alliance)認可的RYT-500瑜伽導師。
Edward師承寰宇瑜伽(Universal Yoga)創辦大師Andrey Lappa,及Jivamukti瑜伽創辦大師Sharon Gannon 與David Life,對他們的指導心存感激。
Joyce於法律學院求學期間,視瑜伽為輕柔運動。開始練習後不久,便發現瑜伽能轉化身心,有助她應對繁忙的法律工作。在Maurice Mettler、Jason Crandell及Edward Chow老師的指導下,Joyce 展開其教學之路。她的教學強調順位,以人體結構為本,講求均衡性,並擅長拆解複雜體式。她的課堂既有活力,亦具挑戰性,旨在幫助學生按自己的步伐發展,培養力量、柔軟度、平靜的心和正念。
表格已成功提交。 我們已經收到您的訊息,並將儘快回覆。
Form submitted. We will Our representative will contact you shortly.
表格已成功提交。 我們已經收到您的訊息,並將儘快回覆。