Connie 同時為中醫高級正骨整脊師及中醫高級全科理療師,在這個200小時的課堂中,主要善用陰瑜伽治療作為「理筋扶正」的一種正面而恆久的護理方法,培養助人自助的心,在深入了解中作出啟發性及互動性的教學。深入了解陰瑜伽治療在身體及生活上所發揮的重要作用,剖析為何需要在日常生活練習上加入陰瑜伽治療以平衡身心。課堂揉合瑜伽哲學、能量配合、傳統哈達瑜伽呼吸練習法、全身人體解剖學(包括經絡理氣)、痛症管理及陰瑜伽銅鑼音療,得以加深了解陰瑜伽冶療的好處及實用性。
1. 共80小時練習簡介式子Asana 三大主要「脈」 (Nadi) 及七大主要「輪」 (Chakra)
六大身體洗潔法 (Kriyas)
阿育吠陀 – 五大元素(Element) 及三種能量 (Dosha) 體質屬性及飲食平衡
十二經絡 及 奇經八脈與人體陰/陽之氣的配合
2. 共30小時人體分析學簡介
3. 共20小時瑜伽哲學(由導師Sranvaniya DiPecoraro 主講,本課堂以英語教授,設有中文翻譯)
4. 共60小時教學宗旨及教學模式
下午7:00-9:00 |
8月28, 30日 9月4, 6, 20, 25, 27日 10月2, 4日 11月6, 8日 |
星期六 上午9:00-11:00 晨練(包括呼吸練習) 上午11:15 -下午7:00 (1小時午休) |
8月31日 9月7, 21, 28日 10月5日 11月9日 |
星期日 上午11:30-下午7:00 (1小時午休) |
9月1, 8, 22, 29日 10月6日 11月10日 |
In this Agreement:
When we say | We mean: |
Activity | Any activity undertaken by you during an Event including any yoga training activity |
Agreement | This agreement (including the PURE online application and personal data form) between you and Pure International (HK) Limited for the provision of activities by PURE. |
Cardholder | A person who has entered into a separate cardholder agreement with PURE and has been issued with a physical PURE Card or who holds a virtual PURE Card. |
Event | Agreed yoga training activities in the form of a workshop delivered to you by PURE teachers or guest teachers, either in person or through an online platform. |
Existing Condition | A physical, mental, fitness, health, illness or medical condition/disability/injury (including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, pregnancy, the taking of medication, skin condition, or existing injury) that you possess and that could be aggravated or increase your Risk of Injury by participating in the Event or any Activity. |
Equipment | Any equipment used during the Event. |
Fees | Any fees that you pay in respect of the Event |
Loss | Liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional or investigation costs and expenses). |
Physical Activity | Any physical exercise or other physical activity whole participating in a Event including warm-up, strength training, running, agility drills, aerobic exercise, jumping, cardiovascular activities and flexibility training. |
Protected Persons | Our directors, officers, Representatives, volunteers, sponsors, service providers and independent contractors. |
PURE | Pure International (HK) Limited and any other company in the PURE Group (including but not limited to Pure Yoga Online Limited) that provides you with services and/or products relating to this Agreement. |
PURE Card | The physical PURE Card or virtual PURE Card issued by PURE (if applicable). |
Related Agreements | Any agreements that you enter into with PURE. |
Representatives | Our employees and agents (including PURE Trainers but excluding other providers of services or products even if these are provided/supplied). |
Risk of Injury | The risk of any type of injury (including minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, muscle strains and torn ligaments and more serious injuries such as snapped ligaments, dislocated joints, broken bones, heart attack and concussion) disability (including permanent disability such as paralysis) and death. |
Rules | The rules, regulations, guidelines and etiquette for taking part in all types of training services provided by PURE (including the Event). |
Website | Our websites currently at www.pure-yoga.com and www.pure-fitness.com |
We, our and us | PURE |
You or you | You as a party to this Agreement and participant |
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Form submitted. We will Our representative will contact you shortly.
表格已成功提交。 我們已經收到您的訊息,並將儘快回覆。