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Strength and Stability Series with Jen Kentrup

Pacific Place – Admiralty

11-12 Oct 2024


In this workshop, we will explore how cultivating clarity in the body is directly related to clarity of the mind. We will look at ways to work smarter, not harder, in order to develop strength, steadiness, and balance throughout the body and mind.


We will also dive into the mechanics of headstands and related poses, focusing on finding equilibrium, balance, and steadiness. Additionally, we will explore safe and pain-free backbending, taking a holistic approach that considers anatomy, physiology, breath, and psychology. This will help unlock greater access and depth in your practice.


Furthermore, we will look at how to find a whole-body connection when working on the foundation, basic form, and actions of arm balances. We will practice level 1 and some level 2 arm balances, including Bakasana, Parsva Bakasana, Handstand, Pinchamyurasana, and others.


Throughout the workshop, we will emphasize the importance of clarity of mind in allowing the body to soften and surrender, leading to increased range of motion, groundedness, and a greater sense of spaciousness in both the body and mind..



We will focus on

  • Headstand: Finding steadiness
  • Backbending: Reinventing the wheel
  • Arm Balances: Becoming light
  • Hips and twists: Surrender and soften
11 October 10:00am-12:00pm Headstand: Finding steadiness
12:00pm-01:00pm Lunch Break
01:00pm-03:00pm Backbending: Reinventing the wheel
12 October 10:00am-12:00pm Arm Balances: Becoming light
12:00pm-01:00pm Lunch Break
01:00pm-03:00pm Hips and twists: Surrender and soften
Terms & conditions
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Pacific Place
L1 Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Jen Kentrup
Jen Kentrup is a native New Yorker who has lived in Hong Kong since 2001 and began practising yoga in 1995. Patrick Creelman has been her primary teacher since 2010 and she continues to study closely with both Patrick and Rinat Perlman.