
Ashtanga Yoga Asana Foundations with Clayton Horton


About this Online Event

Asanas (postures) are the foundation of the practice. It is the starting point of combining the breath, movement and attention. Health, vitality and immunity are developed as the practice deepens. As commitment, humility and devotion increases, you will be able to develop your own personal practice.


In this Masterclass Series, Clayton provides clear and simple ways for students of all levels to enjoy their practice.


Class 1: Intention, Grounding, Sun Salutations

his is the starting point for the practice. Coming to the top of our mat, with the opening mantra explained, we combine movement, breath and a focused gaze (drishti) with the classic Salutation to the Sun, Surya Namascar.


Class 2: Standing Poses

The standing poses allow for strength and flexibility in the legs, hips and torso.


Class 3: Seated Poses

In this class, we will give a detailed description of the first half of the Ashtanga Primary series. Suggestions of modifications will be provided for challenging poses.


Class 4: Backbending and Finishing Poses

Backbending helps to tone and strengthen the spinal cord and nervous system. As we slow down towards the end of the practice, the finishing postures bring equanimity to the muscular, nervous and hormonal system.



Masterclass Language







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Clayton Horton
Clayton是經驗豐富且享譽國際的KPJAYI認證阿斯湯加瑜伽教師,出生於美國俄克拉荷馬州。Clayton花了14年時間跟隨大師Sri K. Pattabhi Jois和Greensufi學習,並獲得極大啟發,讓他每天練習並發展瑜伽的生活方式。對於Clayton來說,瑜伽是回到自我的療癒之路,讓我們能夠體驗真正的平靜和幸福。善良和與大自然平衡共處,是繼續指引他生活的要素。