
Self Practice: Developing a Pranayama and Meditation Practice with Clayton Horton

31 December 2023

About this Online Event

There comes a time when a yoga practitioner becomes centred and grounded in the physical practice of asanas; and they become curious about the internal aspects of the practice. True peace and happiness are close at hand. Join Clayton as we work with different breath control exercises and entry level meditations that are suitable for all.


Class 1: Intention & Foundations of Breath

We will breakdown aspects of the breath, universal energy and awareness.

Anatomy of breathing, chakras, and subtle energy channels are to be discussed and observed.


Class 2: Basic Pranayamas

In this Masterclass, various basic and safe methods of pranayama will be presented.

Effects upon the mind-body connection will be observed.


Class 3: Putting it All Together, Creating a Regular Practice

Once a positive experience occurs, there is a desire to repeat that experience.
Learn how to create a consistent and meaningful daily practice.



Masterclass Language




No refund or credit will be given for cancellations.



Replay available for up to 30 days from purchase date.

Clayton Horton
Clayton是經驗豐富且享譽國際的KPJAYI認證阿斯湯加瑜伽教師,出生於美國俄克拉荷馬州。Clayton花了14年時間跟隨大師Sri K. Pattabhi Jois和Greensufi學習,並獲得極大啟發,讓他每天練習並發展瑜伽的生活方式。對於Clayton來說,瑜伽是回到自我的療癒之路,讓我們能夠體驗真正的平靜和幸福。善良和與大自然平衡共處,是繼續指引他生活的要素。