本課堂的重點是正念瑜伽的⼊⾨練習,同時也是為了進⼀步了解⾝體物理治療的練習者⽽設計。 無論您是瑜伽愛好者,⾮瑜伽練習者或瑜伽⾼級練習者,在本次課堂設計上,我們將瑜伽與物理治療的概念來修復⾝體為旋轉,隨著⼯作坊的進⾏,蘇⽼師會做解析動作的細節來灌輸練習者的內⼼和⾝體的覺知。
我們將分成三個不同的課堂主題-肩頸、脊椎及⾻盆的修復理療。Chris Su導師會與⼤家分享⼀些⼼得,好讓學員們得到⾝體最深刻的練習系列。尤其在這個快節奏在都市裡,每個⼈的⽣活都會⾮常的快速與忙碌,⽇復⼀⽇,導致⾝體不平衡,同時內⼼情緒出現許多的問題。我們也將探討如何與⾃⼰共處,跨越靜⼼呼吸與專注達到⾝體放鬆。同時,課堂也將強調⾝體的修復理療⽅案,以幫助更多想修復⾝體疾病的⼈格信息提供及⼀系列維持⾃我體式練習的排序。
陰瑜伽理論與實踐 |
陰瑜伽基本解剖學 |
筋膜放鬆療法 |
正念靜⼼ |
瑜伽調息法 |
陰瑜伽⾃我修復練習系列 |
完成課堂後,您將獲得 Yoga Alliance 全美瑜伽聯盟的進修時數YACEP
In this Agreement:
When we say | We mean: |
Activity | Any activity undertaken by you during an Event including any yoga training activity |
Agreement | This agreement (including the PURE online application and personal data form) between you and Pure International (HK) Limited for the provision of activities by PURE. |
Cardholder | A person who has entered into a separate cardholder agreement with PURE and has been issued with a physical PURE Card or who holds a virtual PURE Card. |
Event | Agreed yoga training activities in the form of a workshop delivered to you by PURE teachers or guest teachers, either in person or through an online platform. |
Existing Condition | A physical, mental, fitness, health, illness or medical condition/disability/injury (including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, pregnancy, the taking of medication, skin condition, or existing injury) that you possess and that could be aggravated or increase your Risk of Injury by participating in the Event or any Activity. |
Equipment | Any equipment used during the Event. |
Fees | Any fees that you pay in respect of the Event |
Loss | Liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional or investigation costs and expenses). |
Physical Activity | Any physical exercise or other physical activity whole participating in a Event including warm-up, strength training, running, agility drills, aerobic exercise, jumping, cardiovascular activities and flexibility training. |
Protected Persons | Our directors, officers, Representatives, volunteers, sponsors, service providers and independent contractors. |
PURE | Pure International (HK) Limited and any other company in the PURE Group (including but not limited to Pure Yoga Online Limited) that provides you with services and/or products relating to this Agreement. |
PURE Card | The physical PURE Card or virtual PURE Card issued by PURE (if applicable). |
Related Agreements | Any agreements that you enter into with PURE. |
Representatives | Our employees and agents (including PURE Trainers but excluding other providers of services or products even if these are provided/supplied). |
Risk of Injury | The risk of any type of injury (including minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, muscle strains and torn ligaments and more serious injuries such as snapped ligaments, dislocated joints, broken bones, heart attack and concussion) disability (including permanent disability such as paralysis) and death. |
Rules | The rules, regulations, guidelines and etiquette for taking part in all types of training services provided by PURE (including the Event). |
Website | Our websites currently at www.pure-yoga.com and www.pure-fitness.com |
We, our and us | PURE |
You or you | You as a party to this Agreement and participant |
Chris,Su Kok Leong 來⾃⾺來⻄亞。他擁有英國皇家⾳樂學院曾鋼琴⼋級的⾳樂認證,並獲得意⼤利美聲⾳樂證書。年僅六歲就登台演出,並獲得200項國際歌唱⽐賽的冠軍稱號。從⾺來⻄亞林國榮⼤學畢業,之後就開始了他的歌唱⽣涯。在他25歲的那⼀年,因為參加了⼀次瑜伽課堂,同時也改變了他的⽣活⽅式。於是,他前往印度學習500⼩時的瑜伽課堂中,最終他也收穫了⼀名瑜伽愛好者的訓練。對他⽽⾔,瑜伽不僅僅是外在⾝體層⾯的鍛煉,更是內在⾃我的修煉 。
他擁有E-RYT 美國瑜伽聯盟的導師認證,同時也正在跟隨Josh Summers 與Sarah Powers 進修陰瑜伽的學習。除此之外,於2016 年畢業於澳洲藍⼭聲⾳治療⼤學⾳療課堂。
Chris Su是⾺來⻄亞正念陰瑜伽教學訓練的先驅,多年來,他⼀直在世界各地分享導師培訓課堂。此外,他在2019年於台灣出版了第⼀本書《尋找回⾃⼰》同時於2022年,他當旅居在⾹港時,也出版了他的第⼆版書《都市⼈的瑜伽,創造個⼈的療癒》。
目前,Chris Su旅居在⽇本⼤阪,同時也開始寫第三本頌缽⾳療的書。
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Form submitted. We will Our representative will contact you shortly.
表格已成功提交。 我們已經收到您的訊息,並將儘快回覆。