Teacher Trainings

200-Hour Vinyasa Teacher Training with Almen Wong

30 September – 18 November

About the Training

This 200-hour course is a Vinyasa yoga-based training with strong emphasis on alignment and skilful sequencing. The aim is to provide students with the building blocks that create a solid foundation for becoming competent teachers. The goal is to inspire authentic and compassionate teachers with the confidence to skilfully lead 60-min and 90-min classes with integrity and knowledge of alignment and modification of postures.

About Vinyasa yoga
The term Vinyasa is derived from nyasa, meaning “to place,” and vi, meaning “in a special way.” This indicates that we are not throwing our bodies around but are bringing consciousness to each movement in each moment.
Vinyasa can be defined as our external movements that express how we think and feel.
Synonyms: Continuous. Seamless. Integrated. Change. Rhythm. Evolve. Cycle.

  • Steadiness (Sthira)
  • Comfort (Sukha)
  • Smooth and Long Breathing (Prayatna Sithila)
  • Connected. Movement.
  • Vinyasa yoga connects one posture to the next using the breath. This can be thought of as linking or flowing into postures.
  • Move with breath. Breath initiates the movement of Vinyasa, which is why it’s referred to as a “breath-synchronised” practice.
  • Ujjayi Breath is the breathing technique used. It is done by inhaling and exhaling in rhythmically through the nose. The overall sensation is one of relaxation.
  • Vinyasa practice generates heat and can add a cardiovascular component not always present in other forms of postural practice.

*Post-training, Almen will work additionally with individual trainees who wish to proceed to teaching.
*Trainees can have team teach sessions led by Almen in PURE’s public classes within 1 month after the training.

Capacity: 20 students



Part 1
30 September – 12 October
(6 Oct day off)
Part 2:
14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 October
4, 5, 11, 12, 18 November


Daily Schedule
9:30am –11:00am Morning Intensive Practice
11:30am – 1:00pm Lecture
1:00pm – 2:30pm Lunch
2:30pm – 5:45pm Teaching Practice
6:00pm – 7:00pm 60-min Practice


Full Training Programme
Early Bird
Regular Price
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Terms & conditions

Students who are interested in participating should bear in mind that this will be a physically and emotionally demanding programme. It will require a strong commitment and personal sacrifice as well as the support of the student’s primary support network.


Interested students must:
  • Have a desire to learn and personally explore the deeper dimensions of yoga
  • Have a minimum 6 months of regular yoga practice
  • Be free of major injuries going into the programme
  • Be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is required
  • Be willing to forego most personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme



  • Study of asana (proper alignment, benefits and potential risks)
  • Principles of anatomy
  • Science and art of sequencing
  • How to observe different bodies when teaching
  • How, when and why to use props to improve or modify a posture
  • Cultivating your voice and public speaking
  • Confidence-building through practice teaching
  • Yoga history and basic philosophy
  • Sanskrit names of postures
  • Building on a particular theme
  • Intelligently working towards a peak pose
  • Creating and maintaining flow in a class
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation