apm 創紀之城五期 – 觀塘
2025 年 2 月 22 日至 3 月 15 日
快來參加由 Samuel 和 Jack 主講的互動式工作坊,通過結合瑜伽與人體力學的見解,確保後彎練習的健康性,並避免受傷,助您突破瓶頸、安全進階。
瑜伽是一項終身練習,但因用力不當或過度訓練導致的受傷。Samuel 和 Jack 都致力於實現更安全、更高效的瑜伽練習方式。擁有近二十年的結合經驗,他們將從瑜伽和物理治療的專業領域中,帶來寶貴的科學方法,教導您如何有效且安全地加深後彎,保護身體免於受傷。
– 後彎呼吸技巧:掌握健康脊柱運動的關鍵呼吸技術。
– 胸椎靈活性:學習如何安全打開胸椎,最大化每塊椎骨的自然曲度。
– 核心力量與穩定性:了解深層核心肌肉、前鋸肌及腹外斜肌在實現深層、穩定後彎並避免腰部疼痛中的重要作用。
– 手把手調整技巧:學習如何透過有效的引導幫助學生更安全地加深後彎。
– 瑜伽練習者:希望在不影響健康的情況下,深化後彎的個人練習。
– 瑜伽教師:希望透過了解人體力學原理來提升教學效果。
– 物理治療師與各種醫護人員:希望更了解瑜伽練習者的動作需求,並制定更優化的治療計劃。
Samuel Lee(PURE 瑜伽導師)
擁有為近百名私人學生指導的豐富經驗,Samuel 深知因練習不當導致的意外傷害。他與物理治療和結締組織放鬆以及淋巴引流等全方位專家的合作,確保每個瑜伽姿勢都不會以犧牲健康為代價。他的願景是幫助每位練習者享受可持續且滿足的瑜伽練習旅程。
Jack Lee 李啟翔(註冊物理治療師)
2025 年 2 月 22 日, 3 月 8 及 15 日 ( 2 月 22 日及 3 月 8 日已滿,並接受候補名單)
apm 創紀之城五期 – 觀塘
10 am – 12pm
Photos and videos may be taken, solely for PURE marketing purposes.
Event Language
Event Capacity
Special Offer from Nood food
5% off all nood food items for yoga event registrants on date(s) of the workshop.
To register, please contact any PURE Yoga studio or see reception.
*If there is any discrepancy between the printed and web versions, the web version shall prevail. *
In this Agreement:
When we say | We mean: |
Activity | Any activity undertaken by you during an Event including any yoga training activity |
Agreement | This agreement (including the PURE online application and personal data form) between you and Pure International (HK) Limited for the provision of activities by PURE. |
Cardholder | A person who has entered into a separate cardholder agreement with PURE and has been issued with a physical PURE Card or who holds a virtual PURE Card. |
Event | Agreed yoga training activities in the form of a workshop delivered to you by PURE teachers or guest teachers, either in person or through an online platform. |
Existing Condition | A physical, mental, fitness, health, illness or medical condition/disability/injury (including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, pregnancy, the taking of medication, skin condition, or existing injury) that you possess and that could be aggravated or increase your Risk of Injury by participating in the Event or any Activity. |
Equipment | Any equipment used during the Event. |
Fees | Any fees that you pay in respect of the Event |
Loss | Liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional or investigation costs and expenses). |
Physical Activity | Any physical exercise or other physical activity whole participating in a Event including warm-up, strength training, running, agility drills, aerobic exercise, jumping, cardiovascular activities and flexibility training. |
Protected Persons | Our directors, officers, Representatives, volunteers, sponsors, service providers and independent contractors. |
PURE | Pure International (HK) Limited and any other company in the PURE Group (including but not limited to Pure Yoga Online Limited) that provides you with services and/or products relating to this Agreement. |
PURE Card | The physical PURE Card or virtual PURE Card issued by PURE (if applicable). |
Related Agreements | Any agreements that you enter into with PURE. |
Representatives | Our employees and agents (including PURE Trainers but excluding other providers of services or products even if these are provided/supplied). |
Risk of Injury | The risk of any type of injury (including minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, muscle strains and torn ligaments and more serious injuries such as snapped ligaments, dislocated joints, broken bones, heart attack and concussion) disability (including permanent disability such as paralysis) and death. |
Rules | The rules, regulations, guidelines and etiquette for taking part in all types of training services provided by PURE (including the Event). |
Website | Our websites currently at www.pure-yoga.com and www.pure-fitness.com |
We, our and us | PURE |
You or you | You as a party to this Agreement and participant |
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Form submitted. We will Our representative will contact you shortly.
表格已成功提交。 我們已經收到您的訊息,並將儘快回覆。