
Synchro Flow: Unleash the Movement Artist in You with Angela Lohse

9 & 10 December 2023

About this workshop

Join Angela as she leads us through a movement-based practice that takes students a few degrees outside of the traditional frameworks of vinyasa flow.

We will learn how to transition from one asana to the next by linking the poses with unique transitional-based movements that create more mobility and freedom within the mind and body. We will use music to guide our sequence and inspire our practice.

In addition, we will step off the confines of a traditional yoga mat to give us more space to flow and more freedom to move. Angela will teach you how to fuse movements practiced in martial arts, yoga, and tai chi into a single flow-like sequence. This sequence will also include a movement-based inversions practice.

Furthermore, a significant time will be spent on training headstand, forearm balance and handstand to ensure that students improve their upside-down practice. Walk away with more creative insight on movement techniques and be inspired to challenge and creatively refine your pre-existing vinyasa practice!

*Suitable for those who crave a more creative practice, are keen to move with more freedom and lightness, and wish to master basic inversions.

  • Understand why Chair Yoga is important to add to your specialised yoga teaching skills
  • How to develop your own unique Chair Yoga sequences and classes that meet the specific needs of your students
  • Gain knowledge of proven teaching methodologies that provide a framework for safe and effective classes by observing, studying and analysing the practice of fellow classmates
  • Study therapeutic modifications and precautions for common conditions and issues in the aging population
  • Learn the anatomy of aging and how yoga can be applied specifically to the health issues that the 50+ population experience
  • Instill confidence and skills to empower you to teach Chair Yoga to seniors and people with limited mobility


Session 1: Creative Fluidity
9 December (Saturday) 10:00am – 12:00pm
Be introduced to a new method of moving in your practice. We will begin by learning a transition-based choreographed vinyasa sequence inspired by music that fits the flow. We will study and break down the new transitional-based movements so that all details are embodied in a way that the flow appears seamless and fluid. We will also discuss the benefits of each movement and learn how they were inspired to ensure that all movements can be remembered and hopefully incorporated into future vinyasa flow sequences.

Session 2: The Art of Upside-Down
9 December (Saturday) 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Get creative in the world of upside-down. The afternoon will be dedicated to spend on deepening our understanding of inversions. Inversions such as headstand, forearm balance and handstand will be practiced expensively so that we can begin to gain the confidence to move and transition from one movement to the next. These movements will be woven into our pre-existing sequence, and we will breathe, practice and repeat with high energy and joy!

Session 3: Back-bending Bliss
10 December (Sunday) 10:00am – 12:00pm
We will begin our morning practicing by reviewing the vinyasa sequence and once warmed-up we will enter the world of back-bending. By using tools such as the wall, chair and straps we will learn how to deepen our bending ability with more joy and less effort.

Session 4: Final Flow
10 December (Sunday) 1:00pm – 3:00pm
In the last segment of this workshop, we will move together through the sequence. Yoga is all about connection, like an army of yogis, we will work together to master our movements as a whole. Lastly, we will have time to discuss how these movements can be sequenced in a several different ways, so that you, yourself will leave confident enough to create your own sequence.

Angela Lohse