Teacher Trainings

Awakening: 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Amarjit Kumar

2 September – 29 October

About the Training

A practical guide to being a Yoga teacher

An experiential journey to enhance AWARENESS, KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE
Building expertise and knowledge through learning how to teach can uplift individual understanding of yoga practice for physiological and psychological well-being.

Correct practice of the techniques requires proper understanding of the techniques’ roots. Learning a systematic teaching methodology that is consistent with human anatomy in the sequencing of postures and movements is key to safe and proper practice. Good sequencing skills enable physical balance in every part of the body; having a focused and open mind brings a balanced state of mental abilities.

Yoga calls for a holistic approach to Body, Mind & Spirit. The disciplines of yoga postures and meditation are closely linked and complement each other. Better understanding of the philosophical and practical aspects behind the practice of postures and meditation helps in maintaining a healthy, happy and sensible lifestyle. It enables knowing yourself and others better and may also enhance your interaction with others.

This teacher training course requires commitment and discipline, and you will benefit from:
• Mastering the art, techniques and principles of Yoga
• Being a well-rounded yoga teacher who understands the physical, physiological, psychological and philosophical aspects of Yoga

Yoga Alliance Accredited School
PURE Yoga is a registered school with Yoga Alliance. Our teacher training programmes and teachers are internationally accredited, have exclusive recognition and qualify for the 200-hr Yoga Alliance Certification.

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training programmes in the U.S. and globally. Graduates of our programme are automatically eligible to register as a RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance. Becoming a RYT means having a higher profile and gaining international recognition as a yoga teacher, attributes that many hiring studios look for.

Mission Statement
We offer this training in an effort to grow our community of committed yoga practitioners, empowering those who demonstrate dedication to a personal practice, by sharing the knowledge, skills and tools we have learned so they too can start teaching yoga.

We intend to guide trainees toward a healthy self-confidence, while at the same time invoking in them a sense of humility and excitement, knowing that they are at the beginning of a long journey.



2, 3, 9,10,16,17, 23, 24, 30 September
1, 2, 7, 8,14,15, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 October


Daily Schedule
Morning Session
9:00am-11:00am Intensive Practice
11:00am-1:00pm Lecture, Iterative practice
1:00pm – 2:00pm Lunch
Afternoon Session
2:00pm-3:00pm Yoga Nidra/Meditation
3:00pm-4:00pm Lecture & Discussion
4:30pm-7:00pm Teaching, methods, sharing

*There will be several short breaks throughout the day.



*Please register at any Hong Kong PURE Yoga Studio
*Graduates from Amarjit’s previous 200-hr or 300-hr training courses enjoy 40% off Regular Price.

Full 20-day: HK$6500

10 days: HK$3,600

Weekend Drop-in: HK$800


Module 1 – Yoga Philosophy, History, and Classifications Learn the development of Yoga through important works including the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita:

  • The true meaning of Yoga
  • What Yoga is NOT
  • Four Main Branches of Yoga
  • The Eight Limbs
  • The Three Bodies and Five Sheaths
  • Seven Chakras and Kundalini Yoga
  • Chakra’s Beej Mantras
  • History of Yoga (Pre-classical to Modern vs Traditional Yoga)
Module 2 – Asanas & Surya Namaskara Learn the purpose and correct practice of yoga postures:

  • Classification and Application of all types of Asanas
  • Correct Alignment and Adjustment of Asanas
  • The Art & Science of Body & Mind
  • Health Management & Therapy
  • Distinguishing Yoga and Exercise
  • Correct Alignment & Sequencing to Avoid Injury
  • Safety Guideline on Asanas Adjustment
  • Systematic Self-Practice Habit to Enable Consistency & Improvement
  • Application of Proper Yoga Props to Facilitate Students of Various Levels
  • Therapeutic Effect and Body Anatomy as it Applies to Surya Namaskara
  • Progression into Advanced Posture through Surya Namaskara
  • Relationship between Surya Namaskara and Chakras & its Effects
  • Surya Namaskara with Sound Vibration (Vocal and Chanting)
Module 3 – Anatomy and Physiology Learn about the human body and its relationship with Yoga:

  • Different Components of Body
  • How Yoga Benefits our Body
  • Body Motion & Movement
  • The Different Organ Systems (Skeletal, Muscular, Respiratory,
  • Cardiovascular, Digestive)
  • Anatomy of Human Body and Common Asanas
  • Relationship between Breathing and Muscle/Joint Movement
Module 4 – Mudra, Bandha, Pranayama & Meditation Learn internal techniques that increase awareness, stability and concentration:

  • Introduction to Mudras
  • Introduction to Three Main Bandhas
  • Pranayama Principles in Yoga
  • Introduction to Pranayama, its Benefits and Techniques
  • Pancha Pranas and Upa Pranas
  • The Importance of Meditation
  • The Challenges and Effects of Meditation
  • The Methods of Meditating
  • The Inner Light Meditation Method
Module 5 – Shatkarma Learn the Yogic cleansing processes to help eliminate toxins:

  • Jala Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Vaman Dhauti
  • Madhyama Nauli
  • Trataka
Module 6 – Mantras, Chants & Prayers & How to Read Devanagiri Script (Sanskrit) Learn how to chant and the power of chanting:

  • Introduction to Mantras
  • The Purpose of Chanting
  • Introduction to Om/Aum
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Guru Brahma Chant
  • Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
  • Opening Prayer & Closing Prayer
  • How to read Devanagiri Script (Sanskrit) & Posture Names in Sanskrit
  • Basic Vocabulary, Names and Meaning of Asanas, Pranayamas & Mantras in Sanskrit
Module 7 – The Science of Hatha Yoga Learn the framework for a holistic yoga practice that prepares us for its ultimate goal (meditation):

  • Asanas
  • Pranayama
  • Bandhas
  • Mudras
  • Asanas Index
  • Origins & Key Concepts
  • Six Aspects of Hatha Yoga
Module 8 – Teaching Methodology and Lesson Planning Learn to teach yoga clearly and systematically through:

  • Lesson Design and Planning
  • Creating a Balanced Sequence
  • Timing of Different Sequence
  • Demonstration vs Instructions
  • The Art of Giving Instructions
  • Classroom Management
  • The Physical Environment
  • Finding Your Most Suitable Teaching Style
Module 9 – Assignments and Practicum



Students who are interested in participating should bear in mind that this will be a physically and emotionally demanding programme. It will require a strong commitment and personal sacrifice, as well as the support of the student’s primary support network.

Reading Materials:

    • Light on Yoga – BKS Iyengar
    • Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff
    • Yoga Sutras of Patañjali (any version)
    • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha – Bihar School of Yoga


Interested students must:

  • Have a deep desire to learn and personally explore the deeper dimensions of yoga
  • Have a minimum of 12 months of regular yoga practice
  • Be free of major injuries going into the programme
  • Have a coachable attitude
  • Be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is required
  • Be willing to forgo most other personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme
  • Have read the required readings and submitted homework prior to the beginning of the course


Full Training Programme
Super Early Bird
Early Bird
Regular Price
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