Book a tour


18 November - 8 December 2023

About this workshop

The purpose of Asana Bandha Shuddhi Sadhana is to remove the energy blockages in our Nadis (Energy Channels) and then focus that energy with the practice of Bandhas. Practising it consistently plays a major role in building a habit and if this consistency is maintained along with practising at the same time and in the same place, it helps to discipline the mind and harmonise the energy and bodily systems.

In this Sadhana, emphasis will be placed on the practice of Asanas and the Bandhas – how to use the Asanas and Bandhas to awaken our Prana and experience a heightened state of consciousness.

Asanas (Postures) have a profound effect on releasing energy blockages so that the energy can flow throughout the human system harmoniously.

Bandhas (Psychophysical Locks) concentrate the Prana (Life Energy) at certain important parts of our body that are responsible for awaken The above two practices of Asanas and Bandhas will be practised in a complementary way to produce a deep experience of Shuddhi (Purification) with our Physical, Mental, Energetic and Spiritual dimensions. With consistent practice, this experience may be sustainable.

The above two practices of Asanas and Bandhas will be practised in a complementary way to produce a deep experience of Shuddhi (Purification) with our physical, mental, energetic and spiritual dimensions. With consistent practice, this experience may be sustainable.

This weekday morning 3-week workshop will ensure that the experience generated is sustained. This experience comes to us from the transcendental knowledge given in the scriptures.


18 November – 8 December
(21-day Consecutive Sessions)
Monday to Friday
Morning: 7:00am-8:30am

Morning: 9:00am-11:30am

Sundays (Outdoor Practice)
Evening: 4:30pm-6:00pm

Soundwill Plaza
Causeway Bay
25/f Soundwill Plaza, 38 Russell StreetCauseway Bay, Hong Kong
Kapil Rajiv
Kapil began his spiritual journey at 14, exploring techniques to control and relax the mind. He studied books by J. Krishnamurthi and Osho, considering them his first teachers. Kapil completed a Master of Yoga Psychology with a Gold Medal from the Bihar School of Yoga Munger, under the guidance of Paramhamsa Swami Niranjananda Saraswati. He teaches yoga, emphasising alignment, breath awareness, and the deeper dimensions of practice. Kapil currently works as a Senior Yoga Instructor at PURE Yoga.