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ABC Series with Aarya Kuldeep

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About this workshop

First workshop of the ABC series, this workshop with Aarya Kuldeep analyses the biomechanics of a headstand and breaks down the pose to achieve the correct alignment and gain stability upside down. We will also explore both basic and creative variations of a headstand.

This workshop is suitable for practitioners of all levels, especially those who want to learn how to do a headstand for the first time or to reinforce the fundamentals or explore different variations of this pose.

Open to all levels of practitioners, especially for beginners who would like to comprehend a headstand

Benefits of taking this workshop
  • Understand the fundamentals of inversion practice
  • Learn the proper range of movement, and muscle engagement in a headstand
  • Learn step-by-step progressions
  • Prevent common mistakes for the longevity of joints
  • Understand the importance of awareness in balancing
  • Discover firmness and a strong mindset for life beyond the mat
  • Learn techniques to prevent injuries
  • Useful for teachers to have one platform to have a better understanding of teaching

Key focus of the workshop

  1. Biomechanics and fundamentals of a headstand - Key muscles action and movement
  2. How to overcome fear and maintain stability - Strength & balancing
  1. Balanced mindset - Understanding the concept of the body and mind connection
  2. Exploring different variations - Creativity

Location, schedule & fees

Guest Workshop
Sun ,
9:00am - 11:30am
ABC Series with Aarya Kuldeep
Early Bird
Regular Price
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