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Teacher Trainings

Fundamental: 200-Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Gopal Palanisamy

14 October– 10 December

This event has ended.
About the Training

Hatha Yoga is a way for us to balance the energies in our bodies. Traditional Hatha Yoga is the science of utilising the body to speed up the process of your spiritual evolution. It’s not an exercise. It’s a way of understanding the geometry and mechanics of the human body.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your personal practice or to teach professionally, this course will provide you with everything you need to take your yoga practice to the next level.

The aim of this course is to create a stable foundation for a safe practice, to allow the body to open in new ways, to elevate one’s practice, to stay humble & grounded, to expand in power, confidence and transformation to become the most effective yoga teachers.
This training will focus on five major components.

  • Asanas
  • Anatomy
  • Breathing
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Teaching Methodology
    • Principles of Alignment
    • Art of Adjustment

This 200-hour Yoga Alliance® accredited yoga teacher training course is designed to move you deeper into your own personal practice so as to gain a more thorough understanding of yourself while simultaneously preparing you to offer your teachings from this experiential journey.

You’ll learn the basic principles of yoga and comprehend the essential elements needed to deepen the inner awareness in your practice to become an authentic Yoga Teacher.

Yoga Alliance Accredited School
PURE Yoga is a registered school with Yoga Alliance. Our teacher training programmes and teachers are internationally accredited, have exclusive recognition and qualify for the 200-hr Yoga Alliance Certification.

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training programmes in the U.S and globally. Graduates of our programme are automatically eligible to register as a RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance. Becoming a RYT means having a higher profile and gaining international recognition as a yoga teacher, attributes that many hiring studios look for.

Mission Statement
We offer this training in an effort to grow our community of committed yoga practitioners, empowering those who demonstrate dedication to a personal practice by sharing the knowledge, skills and tools we have learned so that they too can start teaching yoga.

We intend to guide trainees towards a healthy self-confidence while at the same time invoking in them a sense of humility and excitement, knowing that they are at the beginning of a long journey.


14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 October
4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 November
2, 3, 9, 10 December


Daily Schedule
7:00am – 9:00am Morning Intensives
9:00am – 10:00am Break
10:00am – 1:00pm Lecture, Discussion, Illustration
1:00pm – 2:30pm Break
2:30pm – 3:30pm Sanskrit, Mantra Chanting and Mudras
3:30pm – 5:30pm Asanas, Teaching Methodology
5:30pm – 7:00pm Self-study, Q & A, Assignment Preparation


*Online application is NOT required for Morning Intensive sign-up
*Please register at any Hong Kong PURE Yoga studio
  Graduates Discount 30% Off

(Graduates from Gopal’s previous 200-hr training course)

Early-Bird 20% Off 

(ends 10 September)

Regular Price

Full Morning Intensive Practice
19 Practices
HK$5,040 HK$5,760 HK$7,200
10 Morning Intensive Practice
You must confirm your selected days upon registration
Morning Intensive Practice Drop-in
You must confirm your selected day upon registration
**30% off the regular price for Gopal’s 200-hour graduates, this offer applies to his 200-hour graduates only, wheel graduates may enjoy early-bird for the full morning practice.


Yoga Philosophy
  • History and Modern History
  • Philosophy and Aims of Yoga
  • Different Lineages, Schools and Methods
  • Streams of Yoga
  • Important Sutras of Patanjali
  • Ashtanga Yoga & Its Limbs
  • Sutras from Great Saints of South India
Energy Work
  •  Pancha Koshas (5 Sheaths)
  • Chakras and Their Functions
  • Pranayama
    (Ujjayi, Nadi sodhana, Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, Sheetali & Sheetkari)
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Techniques, Effects, Hints and Cautions
  • Kriyas – ShatKarma – 6 Cleansing Techniques
  • Mudras (Hand Gestures)
    Common Mudras, Meanings and Practices
  • Bhandha
    • Types, importance and benefits of yoga
  • Nadis – Study of Three Channels
    • How to unblock
  • Sanskrit names and their corresponding English names
  • Meaning of the Asanas
  • How to modify an asana for the needs of a student
    (Beginner, stiffer, or with injuries)
  • Muscle groups for an asana – where and which part to engage to reduce effort and bring better result with ease
  • How to apply functional Human Anatomy in Asana Alignment
  • Importance and Benefits
  • Precautions (Dos and Don’ts)
  • Explore asanas not for perfection but for awareness and prevention of common mistakes
  • Duration of Stay
  • Adjustment Techniques
  • Use of Props
  • Anatomical Planes
    • Directions, terms, definitions & movements
  • Connective Tissues
  • Skeletal System
    • Directions of mobility (bones & joints)
  • Muscular System
    • Names and functions of muscle groups
  • How to apply basic terms while teaching asanas
  • Locations of bones, joints and muscles and their range of movements
  • Understanding the important facts and functions of our body’s 7 Systems
    (Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Excretory, Reproductive and Endocrine)
  •  How to meditate
    • Short to longer duration
    • How to overcome challenges & obstacles
  • Types of Meditation
    • e.g. Mantra, Yoga Nidra, Trataka
  • Importance, Benefits and Practice
  • Meditation for anxiety, anger, relaxation, focus and happiness
Mantras & Chants
  • OM Sound of Universe
  • Mantras for Peace, Happiness, Grounding, Gratitude & different diets – e.g. Shiva, Ganesha, Shakthi, etc.
  • Connecting Guru Shishya
Teaching Methodology
  • How to structure a class
  • Principles of Teaching
  • Art of lesson planning and sequencing
  • How to break (planning and duration)
  • How to modify an asana for the benefit of a student from beginner to Intermediate
  • How to teach theme-based classes
  • Importance of demonstrations and explanations
  • Instructions
    • Verbal communication
    • Body language
    • Building confidence
    • How to break down the cues
  • Guidelines for Yoga Teachers
  • Ethics to follow inside the class
  • How, why and when to use props

At the end of the programme, students will have a proper foundation for teaching yoga safely through clear instructions, adjustment skills, and as a compassionate, knowledgeable, confident, grounded teacher.

Recommended Readings:

Asana, Pranayama , Mudra ,Bandha – Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Light on Yoga – B.K.S Iyengar
Yoga And Ayurveda – David Frawley
Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff

Students who are interested in participating should bear in mind that this will be a physically and emotionally demanding programme. It will require a strong commitment and personal sacrifice as well as the support of the student’s primary support network. We emphasise that this programme may not be for everyone.

Interested students must:
  • Have a deep desire to learn and personally explore the deeper dimensions of yoga
  • Have a minimum 12 months of regular yoga practice
  • Be free of major injuries going into the programme
  • Have a coachable attitude
  • Be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is required
  • Be willing to forgo most other personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme


Guest Workshop
Full Training Programme
Early Bird
Regular Price
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Gopal Palanisamy
Gopal began practising yoga at age 8, sparking a lifelong journey into yogic science. He views yoga as a life approach that emphasises humility, grace, kindness, body honouring, and mindfulness, and considers it a reliable friend through life's ups and downs. Gopal teaches with humour, offering options for all levels and focusing on joy, peace, grounding, centredness, and mindful breath awareness. He aims to help students understand yoga as a valuable tool for all aspects of life.