
Headstand and Forearm Stand Basics with Laura Beu

3 December 2023

About this workshop

From Laura’s experience as a student and teacher and after seeing hesitation in attempting to go upside down, she knew that there should be a safe and friendly space where students can start to understand the basics of these two beautiful asanas without being intimidated by more advanced practitioners. Sometimes there is fear of being upside down because the physical mechanics are not understood, sometimes it’s feeling ‘overwhelmed’ from being surrounded by seasoned practitioners, and sometimes flexibility is an issue.

Headstands and Pincha Mayurasana should not be learned by oneself. This workshop is an opportunity for students to learn these poses from an experienced, qualified yoga teacher who can give individualised feedback relative to the student’s body. We will look at the anatomical components that create a foundation for a steady posture. The practice will build confidence and alignment to invert the body into a Tripod Headstand, classic Headstand and basic Forearm Stand. It will begin with chest openers and a series of scapula push-ups to build heat and strength, stretching your shoulders, neck and upper back, then flow through Sun Salutations before working up to the Dolphin pose to set yourself up – each step provides a thorough breakdown of the hand positions.

This workshop is a welcoming space for beginners who are new to inversions and is also suitable for regular practitioners who want to establish the fundamentals of inversions.

Laura Beu
Laura從前是一名新聞記者兼國際模特兒,2015年開始練習瑜伽。返港後在Andy Willner引領下研究瑜伽哲學,2017年與Patrick Creelman及Rinat Perlman修畢200小時基礎教練培訓。她的課程著重正位,助學員認識身體,目標傳授自己在瑜伽中獲得的覺知、穩定與力量。